Every year at Birthday Time (October 15) an appeal goes out to friends and readers to come to ONE's aid and help pay off the deficits which seem to be the inevitable accompaniment of our nonprofit, public-service enterprise. And somehow we keep having faith that there are large numbers of people who are interested in seeing that something is done to improve the lot of the homosexual men and women of this country; that there are many who are willing to contribute time and effort to this end; that there are many others who will generously contribute money for such purposes.
Over the years there have been those who have come to ONE's offices to volunteer at whatever jobs needed doing. Others, living at a distance, have carried out assignments given them. faithful band have sent in their money year in and year out, to keep things going, for they have well realized that ONE is not intended to be a "business" enterprise. Its purpose is to SERVE, and so, like the Red Cross or any other service agency, it always has "deficits." Therefore, every year ONE must have thousands of dollars in gifts to do the work you want it to do.
Join today the illustrious company of those who have helped to bring ONE to the opening of its 10th year of activity. How about making ONE's 1961 Birthday Time a really memorable affair? Our goal is $9,000 for the Ninth Birthday. Send your gift TODAY and feel that you are taking part in a movement which is at the very foremost edge of social progress.
If you send enough to enroll you as a contributing Member, we will be glad to include ten assorted past issues of ONE Confidential to you. If you send enough to enroll you as an associate Member, we will in addition to the ten issues of ONE Confidential, send you the interesting 1958 and 1959 Annual Reports, if you would like them. For particulars on becoming a "Friend of One", write for detailed membership letter to address below.
"Give a couple'o Bucks, or three."
One Inc., 232 South Hill Street, Los Angeles 12, Calif.